What are Solfeggio Frequencies?
The tensor fields inside the ring are actually as greater as the ring’s circumference which significantly extends throughout the column up and down but for how far is not yet determined. , the Solfeggio Frequencies are said to deeply penetrate the
conscious and subconscious mind, stimulating inner healing.
Dr. Puleo was intuitively led to rediscover these healing frequencies in the Book of
Numbers (a book in the Hebrew Bible), using a numerological technique to decipher
the six repeating codes he found. The result was the rediscovery of the Solfeggio
The Solfeggio Frequencies are used to open the chakras and bring about various
mental and physical health benefits, depending on the frequency used. The primary 9
Solfeggio frequencies range from 174 Hz to 963 Hz.
Physicist, inventor, and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla once said, “If you only knew
the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would hold a key to the universe.”
Interestingly, these three numbers form the root vibration of the six Solfeggio
Mapping the Solfeggio Frequencies and 7 Chakras
From time immemorial, sounds have been prized for their therapeutic and healing
potentials. Certain tones can also affect our state of mind and influence mood.
Music and sounds have some characteristic vibrations and frequencies. Therefore
some music sounds more soothing than others. However, you may notice what other
people feel drawn to may sound repulsive to you.
Typically, human emotions resonate with different things and in unique ways. For
music, the different frequencies produce different results across different listeners.
Originally, there are 6 Solfeggio Frequencies. But now, there are three additional more
based on the research that totals out become 9 Solfeggio Frequencies. Let’s quickly
discuss them individually and their associated chakras.
The 9 Solfeggio Frequencies and Their Benefits:
- 174 Hz – Relieving Pain and Stress
- 285 Hz – Healing Tissue and Organs
- 396 Hz – Transforming grief into joy and guilt into forgiveness
- 417 Hz – Clears negativity and removes subconscious blockages
- 528 Hz – Stimulates love, restores equilibrium, repairs DNA
- 639 Hz – Strengthens relationships, family, and community unity
- 741 Hz – Physically cleanses the body from all types of toxins
- 852 Hz – Awakens intuition and helps you return to spiritual balance
- 963 Hz – Divine Consciousness or Enlightenment
6 Powerful Solfeggio Frequencies that Raise Your Vibration
The Solfeggio Frequencies were said to be used in over 150 Gregorian chants, and are said to increasingly raise your vibration when listened to. Each Solfeggio tone helps to peel back layers of negativity and energy blockages, helping you to experience emotional and spiritual release.
Many people describe listening to these tones as calming, inspiring, cleansing, and even revelatory in that they help us to experience clarity and understanding about the problems in our lives.
Others who listen to the Solfeggio Frequencies may experience headaches or even repressed emotions like anger rise to the surface in response to the mismatch of vibration.
In other words, these sound healing frequencies may have a “purging” effect on your energy field, which might make you feel a bit queasy! On the other hand, you might react to these sounds extremely well, so please do listen and experiment.
Sound is one of the purest forms of energy in existence
Sound inspires us, uplifts us, and helps us to communicate, express ourselves, and even heal at a deep level.
Have you ever stopped to consider how amazing it is that everything around you is fundamentally composed of energy that vibrates at different frequencies? Thanks to science, we know that the denser an object is, the lower its vibration is, and the lighter something is, the higher its vibration is.
Vibration also corresponds to emotions. When we identify with emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, guilt, paranoia, and self-loathing, we actually lower our vibration. On the other hand, when we stop identifying with these emotions and instead see them simply as energy fluctuating within us, we begin to experience “high vibration” states such as love, peace, gratitude, creativity, and self fulfilment.
It’s important here to remember that there’s nothing wrong with feeling any type of emotion, including uncomfortable ones. Unfortunately, many new age writers use the term “low vibration” to condemn and therefore spiritually bypass emotions such as anger or grief. Ironically, condemning these emotions actually generates more fear and resistance within the psyche, which further solidifies a “low vibrational” state of being.
While the best way to experience high vibration states such as love and bliss is to stop identifying and attaching to thoughts and emotions, there are helpful catalysts out there which help to centre your energy. One of these catalysts is known as the Solfeggio Frequencies.
1 . 1 7 4 H z
Relieving Pain and Stress
The 174 Hz frequency can relieve pain, stress and enhance concentration. It’s been said to provide a sense of security to the organs in the body, and is particularly beneficial when it comes to pain in the lower back, feet and legs.
2 . 2 8 5 H z
Healing Tissue and Organs
The 285Hz frequency can help treat minor injuries and wounds in the body. It’s said to help fix damage to the organs and repair cells.
3 . 3 9 6 H z
Liberating Guilt and Fear
For those struggling with loss, 396 Hz is the most beneficial. This frequency can help eliminate feelings of guilt, fear and grief.
4 . 4 1 7 H z
Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
The 417 Hz frequency marks the start of new beginnings, removing negative
energy from the body, home and office.
5. 5 2 8 Hz
Transformation and Miracles
The 528 Hz frequency is one of the most powerful frequencies, with a profound
effect on our wellbeing. This frequency can activate imagination, intention and
intuition. It’s said to be the ‘love frequency’ and it can awaken spirituality.
6 . 6 3 9 H z
Connecting Relationships
The 639 Hz frequency can promote connection and repair turbulent relationships
with friends, family and the community around you.
7 . 7 4 1 H z
Awakening Intuition
For intuition and problem solving, 741 Hz can be deeply beneficial. It can help provide mental clarity and can also be used to help those struggling with chronic pain.
8 . 8 5 2 H z
Returning to Spiritual Order
852 Hz is said to rebalance your spirituality. It’ll help you connect to the
universe and your own consciousness on a deeper level.
9 . 9 6 3 H z
Divine Consciousness or Enlightenment
The highest of the 9 main frequencies, 963 Hz is known as the ‘frequency of the Gods’. It can create room for oneness and unity with the spiritual world.
Root Chakra, 396 Hz Frequency
This is a low and smooth solfeggio frequency believed to help rid trauma, fear, and guilt.
This frequency primarily links to the root chakra.
Sacral Chakra, 417 Hz Frequency
This activates creativity and positive change. The 417 Hz frequency is thought to
alleviate tension and stress, allowing you to free up tight joints and muscles and, in turn, increase physical mobility.
This frequency is most associated with the sacral chakra.
Solar Chakra, 528 Hz Frequency
This frequency is responsible for miracles and dramatic changes in people. Tones in this frequency help pain and anxiety relief, weight loss, and rewiring of your brain’s neural pathways. The 528 Hz frequency is associated with the solar chakra.
Heart Chakra, 639 Hz Frequency
This frequency activates healing and love. It’s in-depth, profound, and associated with vulnerability and intimacy. The 639 Hz frequency creates the foundation for
interpersonal connections and healthy relationships – little wonder it connects to the heart chakra.
Throat Chakra, 741 Hz Frequency
This frequency promotes speaking the truth and empowerment. Sounds in this
frequency encourage idea generation, creative thinking, clear speaking, and selfconfidence.
This frequency influences the throat chakra.
Third-eye Chakra, 852 Hz Frequency
This frequency triggers a higher realm of spiritual thinking. It walks you out of illusions, introducing you to reality and the true elements of your environment.
852 Hz links you to astral projections and deep dreams, bringing you closer to your true self.
This frequency resonates with the third-eye chakra.
Three Additional Solfeggio Frequencies
While the 6 frequencies have been well known over the years, lately, some deeper research found additional three solfeggio frequencies, namely, 174 Hz, 285 Hz, and 963 Hz. Let’s go over them quickly…
174 Hz Solfeggio Frequency
174Hz frequency, considered the lowest of them all, serves as a powerful anaesthesia.
This frequency is ideal for alleviating pain in your physical body. It triggers slow and mildly soothing features, which encourage the feeling of safety, security, and firm convictions.
285 Hz Solfeggio Frequency
This frequency targets the energy house by freeing up blockages and addressing holes in your aura and, as well, opens up your chakra system.
For energy healers, this frequency is a common preference.
936 Hz Solfeggio Frequency
The 936 Hz Solfeggio Frequency is the highest of all the tones. It is said to connect you to the universe and its perfection. This allows us to flow with the single force upon which the now and future is founded. This frequency inspires our crown chakra.
Different Cubits Have Different Properties and Resonate at Different Frequencies
Each cubit has a specific rate of vibration this is called the cubits frequency if you use a specific fraction of the cubits length it will still resonate at the same frequency; for example if you take the lost cubit below this resonates at 177 MHz the full length of the lost cubit is 20.6 inches if you twist and join together it will resonate at 177 MHz.
If you used ½ of the 20.6 inches twisted it together and joined in the same way it would still resonate at 177 MHz the reason is because of the length has very special properties and will always resonate at the same frequency but only if cut in specific fractions. This goes for all of the other cubits available if you use a full length of sacred cubit it will resonate at 144 MHz and it will also resonate at 144 MHz if you only use ½ of that cubit.
Lost Cubit
This was historically identified by Hans Becker in 2000 in the course of his work with Slim Spurling. Becker stated that Lost Cubit is formerly unrecognized Cubit length which might have been omitted deliberately from oldest records because of its powerful and impactful significance.
This vibrates at 177,000 Hz (177 MHz) and because of its ability to resonate with earth energy and cosmic energy frequency, Lost Cubit is said to have properties that might affect longevity and DNA. The 20.6 inches Cubit length is utilized to create both Tensor Rings and Triskelion.
These can be purchased together with exclusive introductory kits from our online store. The 177 MHZ Cubit, also known as the Lost Cubit was discovered originally by Slim Spurling and Hans Becker. The length of this Cubit was made of a specific
mathematical formula. The Tensor Field with a frequency of 177 MHZ is recognized for its exclusive connection with emotional and etheric bodies.
The frequency works on the Mental, Emotional, Physical and Etheric aspects. The Lost Cubit is a more complete frequency than the (Sacred/Royal Cubit) 144 MHz, and is stronger and more powerful. Please see a list of uses below:
- Calming, soothing, good to sleep with under pillow.
- Great for meditation; Lay down and place on forehead. This will also Balance brain
hemispheres. - Plants grow happier with this frequency; Place one in your plant pot.
- Element Earth and (A) Ether.
- Perfect for troubled environments, for schools. Place in child’s satchel or
under/inside pillow and each corner of each room. - It has a horizontal energy.
- Balanced Feminine and Masculine Divine energies.
- Works the 4th and 6th Chakras; Place directly on them during meditation.
- Can be worn by itself, together with the 144 MHz (Sacred/Royal Cubit) and also
with the 188 MHz (Empowerment/New Cubit).
Empowerment/New Cubit
188 MHz synergizes well with the 144 (Sacred) and 177 (Lost Cubit). Resonates with and decalcifies the Pineal, helps release Programs and Beliefs. Brought to us by a Master Dowser. Was also given to Slim Spurling before he passed; his widow calls it the Empowerment Cubit. 28.85748 inches ~ 73.3 cm moreover, the 188 MHz Cubit synergizes perfectly with a 177 and 144. This also works well with Pineal and helps in releasing beliefs and programs.
This Frequency works with the Spiritual and has many uses listed below:
- Synergies well with the 144 MHz (Sacred/Royal Cubit) and 177 MHz Lost Cubit; Can be worn together as a pendant.
- Essential in healing therapies.
- Connects with the “Invisible” Spiritual Guides, Protectors, Cosmic Healers, Angels, & Earth Elementals.
- Divine Feminine Energy.
- Earth Element is Fire.
- Perfect for people that use their voice a lot, like singers, teachers, public speakers, etc.; Place directly on Throat chakra during meditation or as pendant.
- Works the 5th and 6th Chakras; place directly on them during meditation.
- Must not be worn by itself; needs to be together or with one of the 2 others
frequencies, Sacred/Royal, Lost Cubit or with both at the same time.
The 144 MHz Cubit, also known as Royal or Sacred Cubit originally came from King’s Chamber of Great Pyramid. The Slim Spurling’s Cubit is widely recognized for its function mainly on the physical. The said Cubit creates standard Tensor Field Generator utilized for effective environmental clearing and amplifying intentions.
Resonates at 144 MHz and comes from the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid.
Undeniably, the most crucial reference for Royal/Sacred Cubit length is none other than the King’s Chamber in Great Pyramid. This is best preserved, accurately shaped and exactly measured of all known data. The Cubit in Great Pyramid is about 523 mm or 20.62 inches.
According to Hans Becker, which is also astrophysicist, resonant frequency of Sacred or Royal Cubit is about 144,000 Hz which is viewed to be harmonic of the light’s speed. This is also considered by some to be a cosmic frequency antenna. Slim Spurling’s Cubit and Known for its work in the Physical.
The length of a full cubit is 20.63 inches ~ 52.4 cm This frequency works on all Physical aspects on Earth and has many uses listed below:
- It helps to materialize ideas, so can be used with Meditation, Manifestation, and Visualisation & Cosmic Ordering.
- Attracts abundance.
- It has a vertical energy field. This depends on how the ring is positioned; it it’s on the floor on the top of the head the energy released is vertical; no matter how is positioned the energy flows from the centre of the ring in a straight line.
- Divine Feminine energy.
- Helps Grounding.
- Represents Elements Water and Earth.
- 1/8 cubit rings and infinite hearts are perfect for children and pets. Place on pet’s collar or as a bracelet, key ring or pendant for child.
- Works the 4th Chakra and connecting beings to Mother Earth. Place directly on Chakra whilst meditating.
- Best to eliminate maleficent energy grids on ground – Hartmann & Curry Grids. Put 4 spheres (1/8 or 1/4 cubit) in the 4 corners of your bedroom – 2 of the 144mhz and 2 of the 177mhz – and 1 in 188mhz at the centre of the room, floor or in the ceiling; this will cancel the geopathic stress lines (Hartmann and Curry Grid, ley lines, water lines, etc.); if you wish you can put inside the 4 corners spheres a piece of Black Tourmaline or Shungite Crystals and in the centre sphere always a white crystals like Selenite;
- 1st frequency that everybody should wear.
- Can be worn by itself or together with the 177 MHz (Lost Cubit) and also with the 188 MHz (Empowerment Cubit Also Called New Cubit) on a pendant.
- https://lonerwolf.com/solfeggio-frequencies/
- https://mindeasy.com/the-9-solfeggio-frequencies-and-their-benefits/
- https://www.spiritualityhealth.com/sound-healing-whats-your-solfeggio-frequency
- https://bemoxe.com/blogs/news/what-are-the-7-chakra-frequencies
- https://www.scribd.com/document/471153571/tensor-rings-the-ancient-technology-thatwas-lost-forgotten-v2-1
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