Cincin Mutiara


The combination of tensor rings and pearls creates a uniqueness and benefits the wearer

– Tensor ring that emits 333MHz that can help strengthen energy in the throat

– Pearls Bring Good Luck, And They Also Neutralize The Planet’s Negative Effects On Humans


Benefits and Advantages of the Pearl Ring
-Emits 333MHz frequency
-Helps Optimize the Thyroid Gland
-Gives attractiveness to the voice
-Improves communication skills
-Neutralizes negative energy
-Gives a comfortable and calm feeling

Benefits of Pearls
-Helps cure various disorders of the solar chakra
-Have magnetic powers for healing, strengthen the nervous and muscular systems
-Able to attract happiness to the wearer
-Overcome emotional imbalances and fears
-Increase harmony and happiness in the household

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    Cincin Mutiara

    Tensor Ring Mutiara Hitam, Tensor Ring Mutiara Feminine 1, Tensor Ring Mutiara Feminine 2, Tensor Ring Mutiara Feminine 3


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