
  • Can be attached to the belt so that the reproductive system can always receive the energy beam.
  • It is formed based on the size of 3/4 sacred pinch, emitting a frequency of 144 MHz.
  • The Tensor Linga is based on a pattern created based on the Linga Mudra.
  • The science of Mudra is the science of arranging the fingers in a certain position to activate the flow of energy in the body for a specific purpose.
  • It is believed that, Linga Mudra will activate the heat element in the body, specifically for men, to increase the strength of masculinity.
  • In short, Tensor Linga is a man’s ‘powerful medicine’.
  • You can wear this Tensor Linga as a necklace, or put it in your pocket.
  • For the best effect, hold a glass of water close to the Tensor Linga, let the tensor energy charge the water molecules for 30 minutes, then drink the water.
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